Round Two Page 14
“So all the places you’ve visited and the people you’ve known, they were all for jobs? You were there to murder someone?” Wynter asked, her heart pounding in her ears as fear suddenly reared its ugly head and wracked through her. Was that his current job as well? To end her life when he got the call from his mistress?
Jakob nodded, and he didn’t even seem sorry.
“For Camilla, but sometimes for others who pay me well. Other times for myself, or perhaps professional curiosity,” he said, as though reeling off a simple list of reasons, but Wynter was dismayed.
“Why?” she whispered, her eyes wide. She couldn’t imagine taking another person’s life, much less if she had to do it without any other reason than because someone was paying her to. It didn’t make sense to her at all.
“Why what?” he dared ask, and Wynter shook her head.
“Why her? Why not say no? Why take those lives?”
“Camilla is my sire, Wynter. Vampires hold their sires in the highest esteem and above all others. We serve them and follow in their footsteps, just like any other mentor.”
“And if she told you to kill me?” she demanded.
She climbed up out of bed and stood watching Jakob for his answer, her hands on her hips defiantly. “Would you do it without question? Would you even care for the life you’d just snubbed out? Would it matter that we became friends?”
“Yes,” he answered, but Wynter didn’t know which of her questions he’d meant it for. Either way, she wasn’t waiting around here to die. What a cruel game, leaving her locked away, sitting and having nice long chats with the man just waiting for the go-ahead to end her miserable life. She wanted out of there and wasn’t going to play nice any longer.
“Screw you,” she croaked, and then pulled on her boots and jacket. “And fuck her. I’m not staying here to die.”
Wynter stormed out and was surprised when Jakob didn’t stop her. She made it all the way to the door at the end of the hallway before he appeared in front of her like some kind of goddamn ghost and scared the crap out of her. Damn them and their ability to move like that.
He stared into her eyes with that all-knowing look again and then Wynter saw him flinch, as if he’d caught a scent from somewhere. She presumed her, but then his eyes darted behind her.
“No, ‘dis way,” he said, directing her back to the other end of the hallway. “We go ‘dis way.”
“Why?” she snapped, but Jakob didn’t answer. He just took her by the wrist and led her away.
Wynter had no choice but to follow, and had to pick up the pace as Jakob took her down and then through a door at the opposite end of the hallway.
Once inside, he turned to her and put his forefinger to his lips.
“Stay absolutely silent,” he told her and Wynter nodded.
She then looked around and realised they were now inside the main part of the house. Camilla’s home.
He then led her deeper into the dark mansion and even though none of the lights were on, Wynter could still see that the foyer they were in was lavishly decorated and filled with ornate marble figures the size of behemoths. As they neared them, she saw they were depictions of roman gods and goddesses. Mythology personified in the artist’s own way. She actually quite liked them.
Wynter spied what she assumed had to be the front door and made to go to it, but Jakob appeared to have other ideas. He instead led her up a set of wide stairs to where the only small sliver of light emanated from.
The pair of them then came to a stop outside the door that had been closed but not shut completely. A few inches of space remained, and through it Wynter could see two people thrusting and writhing against each other atop what looked like a huge chaise. She knew right away who the male of the two was. Marcus. He was slamming himself inside the woman beneath him, eliciting cries and groans of delight with every plunge. His suitor was transfixed on him, and she was clearly eager for more.
Wynter stood there frozen. She was glued to the scene before her and knew she ought to look away. Or to give them some privacy at least, but she couldn’t. She knew she should be embarrassed, but oddly wasn’t.
No, she then realised, she ought to be furious with him for having led her on so much the past few weeks and then coming here to fuck Camilla while she’d had Wynter locked away under the watchful eye of her personal assassin.
But actually, she felt nothing. Not jealous. Not angry. Not even hurt.
The scene before her just proved Jakob right from before. Marcus didn’t love her and never would, but she no longer had to wonder how he felt about her.
She watched him and felt the shutters go down on any feelings she might’ve once thought she had for him. Wynter knew for sure now how it was all nonsense, every last kiss and fake bit of closeness they’d shared, and all the times he’d let those eyes of his shine brightly.
She meant nothing more than a slave to him and that was fine. It would also make her decision to step away from both him and Warren all that much easier to stick to.
Camilla’s cries bought Wynter back to the view before her and she watched as the stunning woman then wrapped her hands around Marcus’s neck and squeezed. She grinned as he took the exchange as a challenge and mirrored the move as he continued pounding into her, and then Camilla let out an almighty scream as what had to be an orgasm ripped through her. It was the hottest thing Wynter had ever seen. In spite of her coldness, a raw wave of emotion flooded through her and she didn’t try and stop it.
Heat bloomed between her thighs and radiated to her stomach and up her chest. Wynter felt horny as hell and found herself leaning back against the vampire standing pressed right against her. Jakob responded the opposite way Marcus would. Rather than push her away in distaste, he took a deep lungful of her scent and she could tell he liked it when he tilted down his head, buried it in her hair, and took another.
Marcus continued inside the bedroom. He didn’t stop and Camilla didn’t seem to want him to, and so the pair of them carried on, just as they had been when she and Jakob had found them. And Wynter wanted to watch some more. She put her hand up to her lips and instinctively thought of the times Marcus had kissed her hard the way he was kissing Camilla. And of how he’d touched her and made her climax so very many times now, just like he was with her.
The memory of how his fingers had brought her such pleasure just days before invaded her thoughts and Wynter was soon filled with even more desire.
Marcus’s head lifted and she knew he must’ve caught her scent, but didn’t care. Part of her wanted him to find them there, watching him and Camilla fuck. She wanted to be caught while catching him in the act. Wanted to dare him to tell her off, when it was he who had closed those doors by giving into Camilla’s desires.
She arched her back against Jakob’s torso again, and pushed herself into his tight body. It was wanton and sordid, but she didn’t care. In that moment, she needed to feel something. Was desperate for someone to touch her and elicit those climaxes Marcus was drawing from Camilla. Jakob responded by pressing his rock-hard erection against her back before inhaling her scent again, and his hands grabbed her hips, pulling her tighter against him.
Without thinking about what she was doing, Wynter then opened her mouth and emitted the smallest of gasps. The second it left her lips though, the moment was over. Jakob shut down and backed off. He then wrenched her away and spirited her down the stairs so quick she couldn’t even think about fighting him back.
Before she knew it they were outside in the cool night air and Jakob was throwing her into the passenger seat of his car. He then sped away without another word and Wynter turned to watch him drive with a teasing smile playing on her lips.
“Let me guess, you thought you’d break my heart by showing me Marcus in the throes of passion with your boss?” she demanded, and got no answer. “Perhaps you weren’t counting on me not giving a fuck, hey? Or on me finding the show pretty damn watchable.”
Jakob continued to drive in sile
nce and yet Wynter could sense how he was struggling to maintain his composure. He was driving like a maniac and taking the turns even faster than the last time he’d taken her out, but she wasn’t exactly calm either and still wanted to say her bit. “Or maybe you’re angry that you wanted a piece of what I was so willing to offer you? It’s okay if you do, Jak. I’m not afraid to tell the truth about wanting you. No strings. No complications. All you have to do is take it.”
Jakob tore the car off the road and drove up an overgrown side road before finally screeching to a halt at the peak of a hill overlooking the mountainous view ahead. Wynter even thought how it would’ve been a lovely sight in other circumstances, but not necessarily tonight. Not with the predator sat seething beside her.
Once he’d turned off the engine, he was out of the car and on her side in a heartbeat, and all still without a word. At least he’d seemed to calm down, but Wynter was still hesitant as she accepted his hand and let the silent vampire pull her from the car and lead her around to the front of the bonnet before coming to a stop at the grill.
He was brooding, she could tell, and so stared out at the view while letting him make up his mind regarding what he wanted to about what she’d said. After all, she’d been rather candid, and a little vulgar. Wynter felt she’d said more than enough. Done more than enough. Jak had to be convinced by now that she had no real personal tie to Marcus. That she’d meant it when she’d told him she was with him by force and nothing more.
She still wanted a way out, but she wanted an easy way. Not to be rendered disgusting by a horde of vampire soldiers each taking a sip, and not to be sold off to another vampire to become their soul mate. She might as well just stay with Marcus if that were the case.
She closed her eyes and pictured him and Camilla together. She was beautiful in that iconic vintage way Wynter herself loved, and she was envious of her curves and the ample breasts she’d caught sight of in that room. They made a stunning couple.
“You’ve called me Jak twice now, Wynter,” Jakob finally muttered and she opened her eyes to look at him. He was staring out at the world around them and his features were soft, making him look young and almost innocent. “It makes me think of things I shouldn’t. Remember a time when I wasn’t a vampire. When Camilla wasn’t the only mother I knew.”
Now that had come as a shock. She hadn’t expected him to be reeling from such an innocent nicknaming, but figured it had to remind Jakob of a very different life he must’ve once led.
“I can stop,” she offered. They had developed a rapport over the past few days. Perhaps even a friendship. The last thing Wynter wanted was to make Jakob feel uncomfortable, but at the same time she wanted to know more about what he remembered of his human life. She hoped he wasn’t about to take her up on the offer and turned to look at him.
He was bathed in moonlight and was beautiful. God, Wynter wanted him even more. In her quest to begin to love herself, she had also found someone whom she was starting to feel something for. Something worth grasping hold of, rather than push away.
“No,” he whispered, “don’t.”
“Then talk to me, Jak,” she replied, “tell me what you want.”
His breath hitched and then he was on her.
Jakob had Wynter up on the bonnet of his car with her legs spread and him nestled between them in an instant. He forced his lips on hers and his body was soon pressing against hers like before, his raging boner pushing against her core.
“You were right,” he eventually groaned, “I do want you and was shocked by how you responded. But I liked it. I like you. You’re a fighter, Wynter. You’re strong.”
His words reminded her of the same things Marcus had told her, and she grinned at him.
That was much nicer to hear than the things he’d told her before.
“So, is there a way around the merging? Can you take me without the consequences?” she asked, reaching down his body so she could grab his hard-on from outside his jeans. It really was huge and Wynter wanted to see it. To feel it. She was a wanton fiend and couldn’t bring herself to care one little bit.
Jakob hissed and pushed himself into her palm, licking his lips. He then grinned and fixed his deep blue eyes on hers.
“Oh, don’t worry,” he said as he began stripping her with haste, “you can’t merge if you have no soul, Wynter.” He then laid her back and unbuttoned her jeans, sliding them down before pulling them off along with her underwear, leaving her naked atop the car before him.
The winter air pricked her skin but she didn’t care. She was so hot. Too hot. All she wanted was for Jak to make it better, and as he kissed his way up her thighs and then to her core, she was delighted to discover he wanted to help her too.
Wynter cried out as his tongue delved inside of her and then swirled up and around her clit in perfect motions. She soon came for him and then could do nothing but stare in awe as he then removed his clothes and mounted her atop the car.
Every inch he pushed inside was like heaven, and she cried out as he took her body and made it whole at last.
Jakob was truly a stunning and virile man. More beautiful than any sunrise or sunset, and even better than the bright and very full moon that shone overhead as he pushed into her over and over. She was mesmerised by the stunning view, and lapped it up as he continued to take what she so willingly offered.
Jakob was wild and rough with her atop that car bonnet, and Wynter loved every second of it. He took her every which way she could imagine on one surface and they both came over and over again. Sometimes together, and other times to their own rhythm, but every one somehow seemed more powerful than the last.
It was like nothing she’d experienced before. The power as he commanded her body was astounding, and the stamina? She thought he might never tire.
He threw her across the car bonnet on her stomach and was inside her again a second later, his hands fisted in her long mess of hair. Jakob then yanked her head up and back, arching her against him.
“Jak!” she cried, “please…”
He shushed her and yanked harder, her scalp burning with the pain.
“Stop that,” he growled, “you’re nothing, do you hear me? Nothing but an empty shell. You don’t feel pain…”
She wanted to scream at him. To tell him off. But at the same time, she couldn’t deny that it was true. There was an empty void within her that she slowly understood needed filling, and by being with him it was just the beginning. The start of her selfish quest to find herself again.
She didn’t need to beg or plead with him to give her what she needed either. He was giving her what she wanted freely and so it was up to her to take it. To use him and fulfil her needs.
And so she did.
They only stopped when a light rain started to fall, making her finally shudder and begin to feel the cold. Jakob was attentive to her response to the elements and so lifted her into his arms and took her to the backseat, where he warmed her with his body before fucking her some more. He didn’t seem ready to stop, and while she was beginning to tire, she wasn’t ready either.
His mouth was back on her and never left. Either on her lips or breasts, and sometimes her neck and shoulders as he kissed and nibbled at her, but he never once drew blood. He was more dominant and predatory than bloodthirsty, and Wynter trusted him not to take that which Marcus thought nothing of drawing from her time and time again.
Jakob wasn’t gentle though. He wrenched on her hair with his fingers some more and commanded her by force, and not once did Wynter stop him, because she wanted it too. She loved being owned. Being taken. It’d been far too long and she’d missed being fucked raw by an expert lover. Not a single one from her past compared to the vampire between her legs and even when her energy waned, she refused to stop because it was exactly what she’d needed.
“Jak,” she whispered against him, “don’t stop, please.”
“Don’t beg. Don’t plead,” he reminded her, and
she nodded. “Who do you love?” he then groaned, watching her with hooded eyes and a dark smile.
“No one,” Wynter hissed, and then she cried out when his hand shot around her neck and yanked her hard against him. He was such a brute, and she adored it. “No one but myself,” she then whimpered, and let out a satisfied sigh when he came deep within her and then removed his hand.
“Too fucking right,” he croaked before kissing her again. But this time, he didn’t keep going like before. Jakob began to slow his movements, and she had a feeling this was it. Their night together was finishing up at last.
Wynter didn’t want their affair to be over yet though, because she had a sneaking suspicion that when it was, she’d have to go back to that room in the mansion and act like nothing had happened. To go along with whatever plan that witch Lola had in store for her, or worse, Camilla.
When the sun began to creep over the horizon, Jakob let her come one last time and then slowed even more, and he then began to touch her with surprising gentleness. He’d been such a heavy-handed lover that Wynter had wondered if he’d forgotten how, but then his hands suddenly roved her body in tender sweeps and his plunges were deep and delicate, rather than hard and fast.
“Well, what a surprise you are Mr Big Bad Assassin,” she teased, “I wouldn’t be amazed if you could carry on for days.”
“When the mood takes us, vampires can indeed go for days. It’s you humans that cannot keep up,” he replied with a smile, and then kissed her tenderly.
He then mumbled something she couldn’t understand and when he looked into her eyes, Wynter that knew what Jakob had said wasn’t for her, but for himself. He’d spoken in Russian instead of English and rather than fret, she smiled.